Hife Systems Ltd.

The working principle of the inspection motor

Number of views:424Date:2022-11-14 11:09

        When the object to be tested touches the conductor at the top of the tester, the charge carried by itself will be transferred to the foil inside the glass bell housing. As the same charge repels each other, the foils will automatically separate and open at a certain angle. The magnitude of the charge on the object can be estimated from the angle of the two foils. In fact this is the electric field force on the foil including the repulsion of the charges of the same name on the foil and the attraction of the charges of a different name on the inner wall of the vessel.
      A detector is an instrument for detecting whether an object is charged and for roughly estimating the magnitude of the charge. If a glass bottle is replaced with a metal box to shield it from static electricity, a metal rod and a vessel to lead a wire to measure the potential difference between two points, and a scale to quantify the result, the detector can be transformed into an electrostatic meter.
      The electrostatic detector was invented in 1748 by Jean-Anthony Nolay in France. It is common to express positive and negative charges as positive and negative values respectively. For example, when objects with equal and dissimilar charges are brought into contact, the algebraic sum of their positive and negative charges is zero, which is expressed as if the external electrical effects cancel each other out, as if they were not charged. At this point, they are electrically neutral. This phenomenon is called electrical discharge or electrical neutralisation.
      Note that before use, you should first check the integrity of the test pen, whether the four components are missing, whether the neon bulb is damaged, and then verify it in the place where there is electricity, only after confirming that the test pen is intact, then you can carry out the test. In use, be sure to hold the metal hook or tail screw at the end of the pen cap, the metal probe at the tip of the pen contacting live equipment, do not go to the test with wet hands, do not touch the metal probe at the tip of the pen with your hands.